Homeopathic Indications: Lung / Large Intestine Meridian Opener is for the temporary relief of tickling cough, hoarseness, hay fever, headache, eye pain, occasional constipation, indigestion, and occasional diarrhea.
- Aloe (30C)
- Alumina (30C)
- Apis mellifica (30C)
- Arsenicum Album (30C)
- Baryta carbonica (30C)
- Bryonia (30C)
- Carbo Vegetabilis (30C)
- Chamomilla (30C)
- Kali Bichromicum (30C)
- Phosphorus (30C)
- Plumbum Metallicum (30C)
- Pyrogenium (30C)
- Sulphur (30C)
1-10 drops under the tongue, 3 times a day or as directed by a health professional. Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years of age.